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A Chicago area girl born and bred, I've lived in Mississippi, Montana, Michigan, and...ten years in the wilds of northeastern Indiana, where I fought the noble fight as a book editor. Now, I'm back in Illinois once more...for good. (At least I intend to make it that way!)

Monday, September 07, 2020

What's On YOUR Bucket List?

OK, I'll admit it...this came about because some texting I was doing with my BFF/"sister" yesterday. But it's not been far from my thoughts for a while.  Because when you lose someone far too early in his life, as I lost Patrick, you inevitably think of all the things you'll never get to do together...and all the things he'll never do here on earth, from his own "bucket list." 

Which makes one want to sit back, breathe, and consider.

So...what's on YOUR bucket list?

Have you done some of the things that were already on it?
If so, how did they feel?
And what's left?

I often say I can "die happy" because I saw Samuel Ramey sing Figaro at Lyric Opera. Had I had a formal "bucket list," that would certainly have been on it. And seventeen rows back, main floor, is an experience of this man and his singing that I will never forget. 

But there are other things I've always "kidded around" that were on the list, too. Except that I'm kinda not kidding about them.

Vienna is there. Learning to tap dance is there. Taking cello lessons is there. And more might be coming...who knows? 

So...share. What's on YOUR list? What have you already done? Is there anything on the list that you think you really, really want to do, but in your heart of hearts don't really believe is possible? Or, conversely there anything on the list that, right now, you're making concrete plans to ACCOMPLISH?

Let 'er rip in the comments below!


medman said...

I've managed to check off a few from my bucket list. Accomplished are visiting Germany and Salzburg, Austria. Also have obtained my pilot's license, something I've wanted to do since before I could drive.

Remaining are 7-8 states to visit all 50, Australia and New Zealand would be nice as well. The island of Saipan is still hanging on the list. My great uncle died there in WWII, and for some reason I'm drawn to go there.

The odds of completing the list are slim, I think. Not sure how I'd handle the 12+ hour flights...8 hours was long enough for Europe!

Ruth said...

I always wanted to take a hot air balloon ride over Napa/Sonoma valleys. I was able to do that and land at the Kendall Jackson vineyard for brunch. It was the most peaceful, relaxing ride with the such fantastic views.