My photo
A Chicago area girl born and bred, I've lived in Mississippi, Montana, Michigan, and...ten years in the wilds of northeastern Indiana, where I fought the noble fight as a book editor. Now, I'm back in Illinois once more...for good. (At least I intend to make it that way!)

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Excuse the Dust!

This blog is presently Undergoing Renovation.

No, I'm not changing the basic background or colors, despite some recommendations to do so. I like this background and these colors, and the work involved in shifting to an entirely new set of themes would be massive. And I'm just lazy enough not to want to undertake massive work for something that's only one tool in my writer's kit.


I do want this to be readable and sensible and easy on the eye in other ways.

Which is why the type size has increased over the last year or so.
The problem is...I have years of entries in this blog that were done "the old way."
And in the process of changing computers, operating systems, et al, some of the formatting in those old posts has gone completely skawapity. 

Which means I still have semi-massive work to do, going into those old posts and revamping them so the formats and type face work again. 

I encourage (okay, beg) those of you who've just discovered this blog to feel free to plumb its historic entries...but just be aware those might look really strange for a while.

I'm fixing them. Batch by batch.

In the meantime, dust cloths and feather dusters are at the door.
Feel free to avail yourselves of them...or of a magnifying glass, if need be.

It'll all be better...soon. I promise.


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