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A Chicago area girl born and bred, I've lived in Mississippi, Montana, Michigan, and...ten years in the wilds of northeastern Indiana, where I fought the noble fight as a book editor. Now, I'm back in Illinois once more...for good. (At least I intend to make it that way!)

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Musical Monday, a Tad Bit Late!

But when it comes to music like this...who cares?

Ashkenazy is fast becoming my favorite Chopin interpreter, FWIW. But I'm also finding that when I hear Chopin's music makes me want to cry.

I think that began when I was playing the F minor Etude...and thought about that poor man, dying of consumption at only 39. And yeah, I know everybody died of consumption in those days, unless you had a constitution of steel and/or were extremely lucky...because there was no penicillin.

But still.

There are many musicians who died young, about whom the question can be asked, "What would they have achieved if they'd lived longer?"
And, of course, Chopin.

We can only hope they're in the heavenly realms writing all that stuff they never got to on earth...and we'll get to hear it.

Until then, enjoy this little piece of heaven here!


Monday, November 16, 2020

For Those of You Tracking Musical Monday...

 I present this, from last week. 
At a particularly low emotional point I was in, a week ago Sunday evening, lo and behold, this music came over the radio...and I knew I needed to share it with you.

 I have a very vivid memory, indeed, of this piece...being conducted by the young man I was about to marry, at an outdoor concert at which several seniors were given the privilege of conducting the Bradley University Symphonic Band.  But the memory is indelible not only because Patrick did a fine job on it--but because this music would also be one of our wedding preludes...a little over a month later.

I wish I had a recording of that performance, given April 24, 1982. 

But Frederick Fennell's not a bad substitute. 😊


Sunday, November 15, 2020

41,049 words...and Counting's times like these I wish there were such a thing as cloning.
Because that way, one of me could go to sleep and do respectable work tomorrow...and the other could stay up all night and write on THIS BOOK!!!!

No, I'm no excited about this at all.(!)

More to come...

Monday, November 02, 2020

A Different Kind of Musical Monday....

Not a lot of stuff gonna be written on the blog today, as I'm just back from a trip to Fort support a friend who's just lost her husband.

This song is one they played at his service. Maybe the finest thing Vince Gill ever did.
And, yes, you're allowed to cry.  This song made me cry BEFORE Patrick died; now that he's gone, and I listen to the words closely, it dawns on me all over again how very appropriate it is--for him, and for today.

Which is, of course...All Souls' Day.

Take a few moments and remember someone special...
