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A Chicago area girl born and bred, I've lived in Mississippi, Montana, Michigan, and...ten years in the wilds of northeastern Indiana, where I fought the noble fight as a book editor. Now, I'm back in Illinois once more...for good. (At least I intend to make it that way!)

Monday, June 23, 2008

“Hammered”…and Not

One small aside on the title of this post: a few weeks ago, I remarked to my dh something along the lines of anticipating being “hammered” on the job, and he sweetly observed that it was about time I had the sense to drink my way through this gig. I set him straight, but not without difficulty. And it is a nice thought, albeit it would make staying awake in mid-afternoon tougher than it already is. (!) Anyway, this is one of those rare interludes in the publishing biz—when an editor has projects in the hopper, but for the moment, the next steps involved in said projects are something for which she’s not responsible, something someone else has to accomplish. This likeable state of affairs usually occurs a couple of times a year; it can last anywhere from a few days, or less, to a few weeks. Such lulls are usually preceded by the kind of couple of weeks I just went through, hence the reference to being “hammered.” As in, “put the hammer down.” As in working oneself, literally, to the point where one’s eyes no longer function. I arrived at that point last Thursday afternoon. Fortunately, the most intense part of the work I had to get done…was done. By Friday morning, I had turned over one of the last Fall books to Production; I still have one out there that’s going to require some detail work and some waiting, and I have one last manuscript to start on this afternoon—but this book should be short, sweet, and fairly simple to do, which means I should make my deadlines with time to spare… So I finally have time to put some blog posts up for a change. Which will be good news to that pair of you out there who are regular readers. :-) In the meantime, what are we reading this summer? Or writing, if we’re lucky enough that the Muse has not gone en vacance somewhere and left us holding a blank screen? And what else are we looking forward to this summer by way of nonwriting fun? Thoughts?



Deb said...

Just finished Sharon Kay Penman's (neat name for an author, no?) PRINCE OF DARKNESS, which blurbs itself as a medieval mystery.

I'd heard this author was good. She's not. She's terrific.

Medieval fiction must have the right flavor to work well for me, and Penman does that very, very well. I enjoyed the book even though mystery is not my reading genre of choice.

Working on? Just finished last few tweak-edits on a contemporary called DAMAGES, and uploaded it to my agent. Now it's off, Agent Dear, to sell, Sell, SELL!

I want to spend the weekend working on either the Hawaii book or the medieval that isn't done.

And I have a wonderful chocolate cookie recipe I will send you.

And did you know we get to MEET DONNA ALICE this fall?! I cannot wait.

Janny said...

I am looking forward to MEETING DONNA ALICE this fall. :-) (Donna, I think for the rest of the summer, we will put that phrase in caps, whadya think?)

And I will bring my famous chocolate-peanut butter balls (the ones I made for the chocolate party at ACFW a couple of years ago), should there be a demand for them...

(mwah hah haaaah)


Donna Alice said...

I'm looking forward to meeting the two of you too. And you can just call me Donna---LOL. I started using my middle name because it sounded kind of distinctive and set me apart from other Donna's. Unlike most of the ACFW'ers, I don't have a brand. I write such different types of stuff--there would be nothing I could come up with other than---"Lost in the Attic."

Haven't been ignoring your blog. I have had a wicked, truly wicked case of poison sumac. In my quest to earn money for the hotel for the conference, I took on a variety of odd jobs. One was weeding and mulching an elderly ladies garden with said noxious weed. I had it EVERYWHERE except thank God, my face and certain private areas. Even gave up a vacation to stay home and cream myself with IVAREST.

Now that it's fading, I am reading--okay, you're going to laugh--but I AM a children's writer most of the time--Trixie Beldon, Judy Bolton, lots of new children and YA books. Also Colleen Coble's new book, new mysteries by Mary Higgins Clark, Sarah Graves and a Faith Fairchild mystery.

What I'm writing--I am re-writing for the fourth time my children's western book. Having come to the conclusion it needed more motivation/ conflict in Chapter One, I tore the thing apart and am doing major reconstructive therapy. It ain't fun.

I'm also diving into my unnamed Genesis entry and working on it. It involves so much research and angst--mine--that I have to force myself to write. But, it's actually coming along well. The oddest things keep popping up as I write and it has more twists than a cat with a ball of yarn.

Fun? What's that? Gardening, cashing checks for odd jobs, reading on my back porch, sleeping late and sitting up late. Watching Perry Mason reruns and Little People, Big World and eating ice cream. Maybe a vacation in August?